Monday, September 27, 2010

Hurricane Matthew leaves Teguc alone, but unfortunately leave its mark in other parts of Latin America

Hurricane Matthew left Tegucigalpa alone. In fact, I believe that if anything, it sucked in the moisture from our air and left us with less rain than normal. Everything is fine and well here, however, I cannot say that for all of Honduras. Some Northern areas have been left flooded. You'll see, the article below discusses La Ceiba, which is a city on the Northern Coast.

"Tropical Storm Matthew is dumping torrential rains over Central America, after killing seven people in Venezuela.

U.S. forecasters say Matthew lashed the northern coast of Honduras Saturday morning. It is expected to cross Belize and Guatemala Sunday and Monday.

Thousands of people have been evacuated in some parts of the region, where officials fear the storm will cause severe flooding and mudslides. It is expected to produce up to 25 centimeters of rain across the region and even more in isolated areas.

Matthew's winds diminished to 65 kilometers per hour Saturday, and the storm was expected to continue to weaken.

On Friday, Matthew drenched parts of Venezuela, sparking flood waters that swept over a slum in Caracas, killing seven people."

To see full article click HERE.

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